Here's a little bit about the team members:
FIRST NAME: Bredan GRADE: 8th YEARS iN first: 5 Reason for joining: it sounded fun and i enjoy robotics. Other hobbies: Football and gaming. My favorite movie: Ant-man. first name: Erin GRADE: 7th YEARS in First: 1 Reason for joining: I want to be an engineer so I wanted as much experience as possible. Other hobbies: Drumming and gymnastics. my favorite movie: the Barbie movie. FIRST NAME: Luca GRADE: 6th YEARS iN first: 2 Reason for joining: I like to code. other hobbies: gaming and sleeping. my Favorite movie: shrek. FIRST NAME: mason GRADE: 7th YEARS iN first: 1 Reason for joining: I've had experience with programming and i want to be a game developer so I need as much experience as I can get. other hobbies: gaming and reading. My favorite movie: home alone. FIRST NAME: Zoe GRADE: 7th YEARS iN first: 1 Reason for joining: My brother did it and I took a programming class which I enjoyed. Other Hobbies: Gymnastics and art. My favorite movie: captain marvel. fIRST NAME: Alex GRADE: 6th YEARS iN first: 2 Reason for joining: I like building and it's fun. other hobbies: gaming, rock hunting, biking, and eating. my Favorite movie: thor. FIRST NAME: cyrus GRADE: 6th YEARS iN first: 2 Reason for joining: I like robots. other hobbies: fishing, game, and art. my Favorite movie: sponge bob out of water. |